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Mahlkonig / EK43S, white
สถานะของสินค้า : สินค้าพร้อมส่ง
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New Release 2018 : Mahlkönig the king of grinders
The Mahlkonig EK43S is the shorter more practical brother of the EK43. Ideal if you grind per serve and dont need the capacity of the EK43.
With a slimmer hopper it stands 10cm shorter than the EK43. This can be made even shorter with the purchase of the Mahlkonig Short Hopper.
Power: 1300 watts
Voltage: 200-240 V // 50 Hz
Burr Size: 98 mm cast steel
Burr Speed: 1740 rpm (60 Hz)
Idle Speed: 1450 rpm (50Hz)
Hopper Capacity: 800 g / 1.76 lb
Dimensions: 23 x 68 x 41 cm
Weight: 23 kg